How I Clean My Make Up Brushes - Freedom ProStudio Brush Bath Review


 I finally got around to trying this brush bath out to clean my make up brushes. As my beautyblender solid cleansing soap has just ran out, I thought it would be the best time to give this a try. I have reviewed it with a picture demonstration of the technique I used.

I've never used a product like this before so was intrigued to see how it works. The product itself is actually solid until adding the make up brush. 
I used a range of different brushes and my beautyblender to see how effective it is at cleaning different products. These are them before the brush bath.
Following the instructions I wet my brush (or sponge) and swirled it into the brush bath. Making the top layer of the brush bath appear slightly runny.
Then to give all the brushes a thorough cleanse I brushed them into my Primark brush cleaner egg. 
Finally when my brushes  appeared clean I rinsed the brushes, patted excess water out with tissue and allowed them to air dry.
Overall I'm happy with the results and the Brush Bath is still as full as it was so it will definitely last longer than the beautyblender solid cleansing soap at a much more affordable price (£7)!

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  1. Thanks for stopping by my blog, I've seen the brush cleaner in primark,I'm tempted to buy it now. The brush bath looks like it works really well, from great post!


    1. You're Welcome, thanks for stopping by mine also! It does I definitely recommend it!

  2. Such a great budget alternative for cleaning brushes xx

    Gemma ♡ Miss Makeup Magpie

